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DCS v1.0

Big Data on a Distributed Cloud Analysis Services Platform
DCS v1.0 Solution

DCS v1.0 is an easy way for anyone to analyze big data
Provides convenience while providing high-performance features for big data professionals.

DCloud Contents Service

It is an integrated platform that can range from artificial intelligence development to cloud services.

Using idle computing resources in distributed cloud environments,
the AI framework is built in to provide analytics and file sharing services for big data.

Analyze multiple compute clustering in a decentralized state for rapid analysis of large amounts of data.

The entire process of data analysis is recorded as a transaction, so forgery is not possible and security is improved.

A distributed file system (IPFS) is applied to secure node down and hacking.


DCS Characteristics

It is a distributed cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) automated analysis and development platform.


Automation Machine Learning (AutoML) Features

·  Maximize automation of repetitive and inefficient tasks to increase

   efficiency and deliver pipeline-based AutoWizard

·  Optimizing Hyperparameter such as learning rate, automatically

   extracting optimal feature points, and automatically selecting optimal

   learning models through data

·  Optimized Model Output and Deployment

Visualized data analytics

·  It visualizes complex data analysis results through charts, graphs, etc.,   

   making it easy and intuitive to understand


Machine learning and deep learning performance capabilities

·  VS Code Editor Interworking

·  Supports a variety of OS (Windows, Mac, Linux) and programming  

   languages (C++, C#, Java, Python, Go, PHP, etc.)

Visualized data analytics

·  Decentralized, distributed file sharing and storage

·  Drag-and-drop file uploads and downloads files directly from the  


·  Ability to rename and delete files

·  Mount as Virtual Drive (Z Drive)

DCS Service

Using idle computing resources (CPU, GPU, MEM, STORAGE) in a distributed cloud environment, AI framework for deep learning and machine learning

is built into developers, the public, businesses, and institutions to provide analysis and file sharing services for big data.

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